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February 2016 – MACC Events

We’re on the road again

As we do each spring, MACC is hitting the road to bring training and the latest news on our products and services to a town near you. Starting at the end of next month, our Midwest Road Shows will be in Kansas and Iowa. After that, we’re heading west to the MACC Users Group in Seattle, Washington. Details and registration for both events are now available.

It’s important to remember each of these events is open to all MACC clients, regardless of where your company is located. Wherever you call home, we’ll be happy to see you at any of our spring events.

2016 MACC Midwest Road Show

Complete details, and a form to register for the Road Show, are available on the event’s website:

 This year’s Midwest Road Show will make the following stops:
• Hays, Kansas on March 22
• Topeka, Kansas on March 23
• Cedar Rapids, Iowa on March 29 – new location!
• Des Moines, Iowa on March 30 – new location!

What’s on the agenda?
By attending the Road Show, you’ll gain useful knowledge on the latest features in MACC’s products and learn real-world tips to make your job easier each day. Road Show agenda topics include…
• Customer Master and Accounting Master Review
• Overview of features – CM Network Number Management/AM Financial Report/MACC Mobile
• AM/CM – Updates and Tips
• What’s coming in Customer Master and Accounting Master 16.1

2016 MACC Users Group

This year’s MACC Users Group is set for April 17th through the 21st at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel in Seattle, Washington. Complete details, and a form to register for the Users Group, are available on the event’s website: Like the Road Show, Users Group attendees will enhance their skills on our products and learn all the latest news from MACC.

The event is split into two parts, one for Customer Master and one for Accounting Master. This arrangement allows for more in-depth discussion on each product. Please note, attendees have the option to sign-up for sessions on either of the individual products or can attend both at a combined rate. A sampling of sessions and training are listed below.

• CM/AM Year-in-Review
• Preview of CM 16.1 and AM 16.1
• Commissions Reporting
• SAM DR Plus
• 477 Reporting
• Developing a Marketing Campaign
• Receivables, Delinquents & Collections
• Reports in CM
• CM and AM Interface Tips & Suggestions
• What’s New in MACC Mobile – AM & CM
• AP Approval Processing
• Payroll/Budget
• Reports & Other AM Tips
• Financial Wizard & Viewer

Questions about either event?
If you have any questions on the MACC Road Show or Users Group, please contact Kristi Rounds at 402-533-5184 or or JoEllen Maras at 402-533-5117 or  We look forward to seeing you on the road!


Jump Start Training

January 2016
MACC Roadshows