Current eMessage > Featured Recipe > April 2017

Featured Recipe

Cream Cheese Mints

  • 2 (3 oz) pkgs cream cheese, softened
  • ½ teaspoon peppermint extract
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 5 cups of powdered sugar
  • Food coloring

In a large bowl, blend cream cheese, peppermint extract, and vanilla, until smooth and creamy. Gradually add powdered sugar. You should have a nice stiff dough that will hold the mold shape easily. Stir in food coloring to desired tint.

Take small balls of the dough and dip end in granulated sugar and then place in rubber mint molds. Level off end with a knife or spatula. Drop the mints on waxed paper lined sheet trays to dry. Let them dry for 6 hours and then flip them over to dry another 6 hours on the bottom side. Store in airtight container in refrigerator or freezer until ready to serve.

Note: I actually just use a 8 oz pkg of cream cheese and then use about 8 cups of powdered sugar. Recipe will make about 200 large mints.

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Recipe courtesy of Lori Bayne, MACC’s Customer Master Product Owner. Have a recipe you’d like to share? Send it to Ryan at

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Featured recipe archive

March 2017
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February 2017
Decadent Chocolate Cake

January 2017
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December 2016
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November 2016
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October 2016
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September 2016
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August 2016
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July 2016
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June 2016
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May 2016
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March 2016
Peanut Butter Pudding Cookies

February 2016
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January 2016
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