Current eMessageSoftware Update > Archive – December 2015

Software Update – December 2015

Accounting Master year-end notes

by Kate Behrendt, Accounting Master Software Support Representative

As tax season quickly approaches, here is some updated information relating to Accounting Master and the coming year-end.

Release of 2015 tax forms
The release of 2015 tax forms is set for December 18th. Due largely to annual updates made by the IRS, form updates aren’t available until this time. After this date, you’ll be able to begin processing and printing your company’s year-end tax forms using Accounting Master and Aatrix (MACC’s forms partner/module).

Mandatory Aatrix update
Also, on or around December 18th, you will be prompted to update the Aatrix module within Accounting Master. In order to use Aatrix, you must run this update. If you have any problems or questions when you are prompted, please contact your Accounting Master Support Representative.

Preparing for tax forms
In preparation for the release of the forms, we encourage you to utilize Accounting Master’s W2 and 1099 Listing Reports to verify your information. By using these reports, you should be ready to use the forms as soon as they are available.

Company Additional Information – Contact Information and Minimums
The Company Additional Information screen is available from the General Information | Company screen. This screen is designed to hold default information for tax processing as well as pertinent 1099 minimum information.

  • Contact Information – At this tab enter default contact information for the Accounting Master tax processes that are completed from the Tax Form Selection screen. Any Form Type (W-2, 1099, etc.) from the Tax Form Selection screen that allows contact information to be entered will reference this default data. If needed this information can be edited during processing.
  • 1099-MISC, 1099-DV, 1099-INT, and 1099-PART – At each of these tabs, select the tax processing year from the Year field. Below the year enter the minimum values for each of the form boxes. These minimums will be applied to all companies processing the specified forms in your Accounting Master database. Data generated during the 1099 form tax processing will require these recipient minimums to be met in order to be included in the process. Minimums entered will automatically be applied to all subsequent years. Updates to this screen will only be needed when a minimum category changes from one year to the next.

2015 tax form orders have shipped
Please check your order immediately upon arrival, and let us know as soon as possible if there are any questions or issues with your order. You’ll notice things may look a little different from the past. To save additional costs this year, we were able to ship your forms directly to you from our supplier. The direct shipping option also meant increment minimums, which is why you may see extra forms. Rest assured, you will be billed for the amount of forms you actually ordered. You can download a guide, which explains which tax forms are used for each form type. Our trusted tax processing partner, Aatrix, keeps it simple by using the same blank forms and envelopes. And, as an added bonus, we’re able to provide the same form with pre-printed instructions for the W2 Employee copies. We appreciate your continued business.

Financial Report Format Sunset Reminder
With the implementation of the Financial Report Wizard and Viewer, also comes the discontinuation of the Financial Report Generator. If you haven’t already made the switch to the Financial Report Wizard and Viewer, you’ll need to do so before the 2016 Fall Release of Accounting Master (16.2). We offer training courses available on the Financial Report Wizard. You can sign up at

Questions? We’re here to help
If you have any questions about this information, please give us a call. The Accounting Master Software Support Team is available Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Central Time. We can be reached at 402-533-5335 or

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