Current eMessage > Technical Information > April 2016

Technical Information

Router Security for eMACC Services

By Greg Simpson, Technical Support Supervisor

A while back, we sent out a security notice for anyone utilizing eMACC services. The notice indicated that anyone connecting to MACC for services such as Management Reports (web reporting), Web Self-care, or Time Management System (TMS) should ensure that their router or firewall is configured as securely as possible.

Using eMACC services requires your company’s router/firewall to open a connection from MACC to your SQL server. In some instances, particularly with older routers, there may not be an option to restrict that open connection to allow only MACC to connect to your SQL server. As a result, you would have to open your SQL server to all of the web. This is not an ideal scenario and poses a potential security risk.

If you are using eMACC services, please take a minute to check your firewall/router and verify that your SQL connection is only open to MACC’s IP address on the Internet. The IP address is If you need assistance verifying your configuration, or if you have questions on this or any other matter, please don’t hesitate to contact MACC’s Technical Support Team. We can be reached at or by phone at 402-533-5300. We’re here to help!

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February 2016
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