Current eMessage > Trivia > December 2017
MACC Trivia Challenge
Congratulations to Darlene Keeley from Salish Networks who won this month’s MACC Trivia Challenge Contest. The winner is drawn from a list of MACC clients who successfully answered the questions below. She will receive a gift bag of MACC items.
Our trivia challenge is a part of our MACC Updates which are sent out by MACC’s Software Support Team when there is timely information for our clients. Check your inbox for more MACC Updates and more opportunities to play our Trivia Challenge.
Q1. What are you supposed to grow in November?
A1. Mustache
Q2. What is the birthstone for November?
A2. Topaz
Q3. On which day in November is Veteran’s Day celebrated?
A3. 11th
Q4. If you were born on November 6th, what would your zodiac sign be?
Q4. Scorpio
Bonus Question:
Q5. What version of Customer Master was just released?
A5. 17.2