Current eMessage > Trivia > August 2017
MACC Trivia Challenge
Congratulations to Lisa Kieffer from Ogden Telephone who won this month’s MACC Trivia Challenge Contest. The winner is drawn from a list of MACC clients who successfully answered the questions below and receives a gift bag of MACC items.
Our trivia challenge is a part of our MACC Updates which are sent out by MACC’s Software Support Team when there is timely information for our clients. Check your inbox for more MACC Updates and more opportunities to play our Trivia Challenge.
Q1. The United States annexed this state in July of 1898
A1. Hawaii (source)
Q2. In July of 1956, Dick Clark hosted this show for the very first time:
A2. American Bandstand (source)
Q3. Disneyland opened in Anaheim, California in July of this year:
A3. 1955 (source)
Q4. In July of 1963, these important numbers were put into use:
Q4. Zip Codes (source)
Bonus Question:
Q5. Which of these is NOT a Paid Training class at the 2017 MBTC?
A5. Accounting Master Tips & Tricks