Current eMessage > Trivia > January 2018
MACC Trivia Challenge
Congratulations to Susan Hamilton from Grafton Technologies, Inc. who won this month’s MACC Trivia Challenge Contest. The winner is drawn from a list of MACC clients who successfully answered the questions below. She will receive a gift bag of MACC items.
Our trivia challenge is a part of our MACC Updates which are sent out by MACC’s Software Support Team when there is timely information for our clients. Check your inbox for more MACC Updates and more opportunities to play our Trivia Challenge.
Q1. In the song “Jingle Bells” what kind of sleigh is it?
A1. One horse open sleigh
Q2. In a “Holly Jolly Christmas”, the lyrics tell us to have a cup of what?
A2. Cheer
Q3. What was the weather like that Christmas Eve when Rudolph had to guide the way?
A3. Foggy
Q4. What color of Christmas does Elvis Presley have?
Q4. Blue
Bonus Question:
Q5. What feature in Customer Master finds disconnected accounts with credit balances?
A5. CM Refunds Tool