Current eMessage > President’s Message

President’s Message

A new chapter in MACC’s history

by Craig Aman, President and CEO

Since 1975, MACC has been a proud provider of billing services to the telecommunications industry. As we have grown, we have witnessed many changes to our industry, and it has been our goal to navigate these changes while continuing to provide quality products and services.

Last week marked a new chapter in MACC’s history. I am excited to announce Harris ( has acquired MACC. Harris focuses exclusively on software companies, using industry best-practices for their businesses’ continued growth and success.

The MACC products, services, and people you have relied on for years will continue to serve you and your company. Your Support team (Accounting Master and Customer Master Software Support and Client Solutions Support Managers) remain unchanged, and MACC’s senior leadership team will stay in place as it is today. This change aligns seamlessly with MACC’s existing strategic plan for product evolution and customer growth. Besides the continuous improvements we’re always making to our products, we’ll be here for you in the future as we have in the past.

Harris has a background in utilities, local government, education, and health care with each company continuing to run independently as they did prior to the acquisition, but with the benefit of leveraging available resources across the Harris organization. When considering companies such as MACC, the Harris philosophy is to purchase quality companies and hold them forever.

It was important to the former MACC shareholders the new owners share the same values and philosophy MACC was built upon, and we found that with Harris. We are proud of the MACC associates, products, and services; and are extremely optimistic for MACC’s future with Harris.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions. I can be reached at 402-426-6222 or

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Craig Aman