Current eMessage > Creative Solutions > September

Creative Solutions

Stop by the Creative Corner at MBTC

By Ryan Thompson, Creative Services Manager

This is the most exciting time of the year for those of us in Creative Services as the MBTC is just around the corner. We are excited to see everyone and have some great ideas to share with you. To make it easier to visit, we are launching the Creative Corner at this year’s MBTC. If you have a chance, please stop by and say hello.

At the Creative Corner, everyone who visits will get a free gift and a handy marketing calendar for 2017. Plus, there is so much to talk about as this truly is the prime time for telecom marketing. Here is a sampling of the things to consider.

•    Ideas for the 2016 holiday season
•    Plans for 2017
•    Strategies to guide customers to the right Internet speed
•    Discount plans for on-bill ads
•    Easy ideas to improve your website

If you have any other projects on the horizon, please stop by as “Fresh ideas are always free.” As we’ve helped dozens of other MACC clients with their marketing needs, it’s likely we’ve tackled a similar project in the past and can share our experience. If you’d like to set up a time to visit in advance, please send an e-mail to and we will get an appointment scheduled.

Not too small
Rick Paulsen, one of MACC’s Client Relations Managers, and I will be speaking during the “Not too small” session on the second and third days of MBTC. During our session, we’ll talk about a variety of tools all MACC clients can use, regardless of their size to become more efficient and profitable. MACC Mobile, greater use of e-mails, and selective marketing of services are just a few of the topics we’ll cover. We hope to see you in attendance!


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Article Archive

August 2016
Are you ready for prime time?

May 2016
Win-back wisdom

March 2016
Happy Internet customers

January 2016
New Year, new website