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Technical Information

Cybersecurity is more than a buzzword at MACC

by MACC’s Technical Support Team

Cybersecurity is a buzzword that is all around us today. Webster’s dictionary defines cybersecurity as such: measures taken to protect a computer or computer system (as on the internet) against unauthorized access or attack.

Every time you turn on the TV or listen to the radio, you hear about breaches in security or data leaks like credit card information, names, addresses and social security numbers. Your customers (or even auditors) may have even asked about how their information is protected. Now you can give them some answers.

Here at MACC, we take the protection of your data very seriously. One of the many ways we meet this goal is through data encryption. Between Customer Master and Accounting Master, we have over 50 encrypted fields and that number continues to grow. Examples of encrypted data include social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, and bank account information. The encrypted fields use sophisticated technology to protect sensitive data from external threats and ensure only the appropriate members of your company’s team have access.

MACC maintains lists of encrypted fields for both Customer Master and Accounting Master on our Client Pages. These lists are available in each product’s section of the “MACC Fact Sheets” page. To access the fact sheets, first sign-in using MACC’s Client Log-in page. Then follow this link to the fact sheet page. If you have any trouble accessing the page, please don’t hesitate to ask for help.

If assistance is needed to configure security settings in Customer Master to limit which employees have access to sensitive data, please contact your Software Support Representative. Your representative will be happy to help and is the best source of information on this important topic.

Don’t forget the hardware
On the hardware side, one of the easiest ways to protect your network’s firewalls, servers and computers is to keep them updated. Gone are the days of not installing updates because they may break something. Now, by not installing updates, you endanger not only your own, but also your customers’ sensitive data. Vulnerabilities are exploited at break-neck speed and new viruses, to take advantage of those vulnerabilities, come out each day.

We are committed to offering our best to help you strengthen your defenses. If you have any questions, or if there is anything we can do for you, please contact the MACC Tech Support Team and we will be happy to help. We can be reached at 402-533-5300 or via email at

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