Current eMessage > Creative Solutions > August 2017

Creative Solutions

No matter your hat, we have ideas for you

By Ryan Thompson, Creative Services Manager

Proven tips, tricks and ideas for your marketing efforts await you at MBTC’s Creative Services session next month. Whether you are in marketing, or just wear a marketing hat on occasion, you will come away with skills you can use to get new customers or keep more of the ones you have.

MACC’s Creative Services Team has the privilege of helping dozens of clients with their marketing each month. It is from this real-world experience we draw many of the ideas you will receive during the session. Additionally, we will pass on new approaches you can take using MACC’s products plus how to leverage other technology that is freely available and incredibly powerful.

Here are a few of the specific talking points
• Tips for marketing on a limited budget
• Ideas for increasing customer engagement
• New ways to use e-mails to customers
• Proven tactics to increase newsletter readership
• Learn how to get the most out of your website
• Plus much more!

The Creative Services presentation is available on the second day of each MBTC session. Please take time to attend as we look forward to passing along some helpful ideas and hearing what has worked for your company. You will also have an opportunity to win fun prizes if you can answer some MACC trivia questions sprinkled throughout the session.

Give our newest session format a try
We will also be talking about marketing during the Table Top Talk sessions. This new session format provides an opportunity to learn, share, and explore a variety of important MACC related topics in a small group setting. How Creative Services can help your company’s marketing efforts is one of the topics so be sure to stop by.

Can’t make the MBTC?
We understand it is not possible for all MACC clients to attend MBTC each year. If you will not be joining us in Omaha this September, but still need help with your marketing or website, please do not hesitate to contact the Creative Services Team. At no obligation, we can discuss how the concepts found in our MBTC session can be applied at your company and provide an overview of what we can do to help. Send us a message at or give us a call at 1-800-622-2502 and ask for the Creative Services Team.

MACC Challenge

Article Archive

August 2017
No matter your hat, we have ideas for you

June 2017
It’s prime time for telco marketing

May 2017
Find telco treasure with a service area map

March 2017
USAC offers new tools to lift your Lifeline numbers

February 2017
Combine two customer favorites to boost your bottom line

2016 Articles

September 2016
Stop by the Creative Corner

August 2016
Are you ready for prime time?

May 2016
Win-back wisdom

March 2016
Happy Internet customers

January 2016
New Year, new website