MACC's February 2022 eMessage
The latest news from your friends at MACC
Client Relations
Take the 2022 Client Satisfaction Survey…it is EASY to complete!
Please take a few minutes and complete the 2022 MACC Client Satisfaction Survey as we want to hear from you! Your opinion of our products, services, and customer care truly matter.
If you, or someone from your company, has already completed a survey, thanks for your help!
Complete the survey
Product Spotlight
Transition to the ACP is reflected in an updated version of Customer Master
You can rely on MACC to ensure our products are continually updated to meet the evolving regulatory needs of the telecom industry. This was the case last week when we put implemented a change in Customer Master to accommodate the transition of the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBPP) to the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP).
Due to this FCC requirement, all references to EBBP in Customer Master were updated to reflect the new program. Users will see these changes in Maintenance screens, the Network Suite, Report Suite, Service Orders, and applicable tools.
Read the article

Technical Information
Boost your defense against cyber attack with training from MACC
Looking for a cybersecurity training program for your team, but you are not sure where to begin? Your search could be over. We now offer two levels of training to educate our clients’ teams on how they can protect themselves and your company from evolving cybersecurity threats.
Read the articleRockin’ Reports
Wondering about Web Reporting? Check out the key benefits
It’s been some time since we discussed Web Reporting, so I wanted to touch on some of the most important benefits of the service.
The first thing to note is an improvement our Product Team made to Web Reporting. Originally, you could see four reports on one screen, then we added four more. It is now possible to have many more screens…it just depends on the user’s preference.
Read on for more ways to use this powerful MACC tool at your company.
Read the article

Creative Solutions
New bill insert templates can boost adoption of money saving services
At MACC, we make things easy, including offering material to help increase the adoption of efficiency boosting services like paperless billing, eBill, and Web Self-Care. For this reason, the Creative Services Team added a new section of bill insert templates on our website.
Read the article Template PageWhat’s New on MACC’s website?
A new Accounting Master MACC Minutes tutorial
Our Training Team added a MACC Minutes tutorial on how to reassign check numbers in Accounting Master. As a reminder, MACC Minutes are concise training videos available at no added cost to all MACC Clients. Log-in to MACC’s Client Central and then check out the latest video today!

Transmit Day
March’s transmit day for first of the month billing is February 22nd. Follow this link for the complete 2022 Billing Transmit Schedule
Download MACC’s February Calendar
You’ll find our recipe of the month (Chocolate Covered Strawberries), an Accounting Master Tip, and TRIVIA! Click to download the February Calendar
January’s Trivia Winner
Congratulations to Paula Patterson at Palmerton Telephone Company in Pennsylvania. She is the lucky winner of last month’s trivia contest.
MACC is involved in the industry
Click to see a list of events we’ll be attending.
Printable version of MACC’s eMessage
Click to download a printable version of this newsletter.
Maintenance Sunday – February 13th
From 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Central) on Sunday, February 13th, our technicians will conduct maintenance on our network. During this time, web-based services from MACC may be unavailable. This affects MSaaS and all MACC websites (Web Reporting, TMS, FTP, etc.) as well as online access to customer statements. Going forward, MACC will be scheduling network maintenance during the same timeframe on the second Sunday of each month.