MACC's February 2025 eMessage

The latest news from your friends at MACC
Product Spotlight

Client Satisfaction Survey

We ask – you answer – we listen!
It’s really that easy!

We are once again sending our annual Customer Satisfaction Survey, and we want to hear what you think!

By participating in the Client Satisfaction Survey, you’ll be entered into a drawing for a chance to win FREE MBTC REGISTRATION and MACC SWAG!

It’s important for the MACC Team to understand where your businesses are headed, and what products + services you need to get there. By knowing how we’re doing, we can make sure we’re headed in the right direction for the future. YOUR future.

Please take a minute (it’s a really short survey!) to click the following button and give us your feedback.

Take the survey

FCC “All-In” Video Charge Requirement

By: Sue Klich | Associate Product Owner

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has introduced a new rule mandating cable operators and direct broadcast satellite (DBS) providers to prominently display the “all-in” price for video programming on bills and promotional materials. This “all-in” price consolidates all fees associated with video programming, including costs related to broadcast retransmission, regional sports, and entertainment programming. However, it is important to note that taxes, administrative fees, and equipment fees are excluded from this total.

For those who subscribe to video services as part of a bundled package (e.g., with internet or phone services), the “all-in” rule requires clear disclosure of the video programming portion’s cost. Providers are now obligated to present the “all-in” price as a single, prominent line item on bills and promotional materials.

At MACC, we are committed to assisting our clients with FCC regulations and have introduced a new option to the USP code to meet this requirement:

Maintenance | Common | USP:

  • A check box labeled “FCC All-In Charge” has been added to the Services Options group box in the USP Editor for USPs with a network type of video (CBL).
  • When the FCC All-In Charge box is checked, the USP will be included in the total for the All-In Video Programming message on the face page (first page) of the bill. USPs within bundles will also be included in the total.
  • The box is disabled on USPs with blank or other network types such as telephone.

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During billing, all USPs with the option checked and having a network type of cable/video will be totaled for each account. A message will display on bills showing the total of all the video charges, formatted as follows:

“Total Video Programming Charge: $57.34”

We are dedicated to helping our clients navigate FCC regulations smoothly and efficiently. If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

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Spring Forward – March Daylight Savings Time

By: Amy Mommsen | Billing Services Support Manager

Daylight Savings Time starts at 2:00 A.M. on Sunday March 9th.  This is a reminder to set your switch time AHEAD by one hour at or near 2:00 A.M. on that night (at 2:00 A.M. it becomes 3:00 A.M.).

There are procedures to handle this change you should be familiar with.  Because there may be calls in progress, this change should be reviewed with your switch manufacturer.  Basically, all calls at the hour breaks for the various rate periods would be wrong if the change is not made on Sunday.  We can go back and ‘adjust’ the times on the calls for a fee. If you have questions, please contact Amy Mommsen at


  • DATE/TIME:  SUNDAY March 09, 2025 @ 2:00 A.M.
CABS my 2024

Training News

Jump Start training dates for 2025

By: Tim Carlson | Team Lead, Professional Services

The schedule for our 2025 Customer Master Jump Start Trainings is now available. If you or any members of your team are interested in registering for these sessions, you can sign up at

Should these dates not be convenient, we can arrange company-specific Jump Start Trainings. Please contact your Client Solutions Manager to coordinate alternative dates that work for you.

In addition to Jump Start Training, our MACC Trainers are equipped to provide any web trainings listed on the Client Pages. We will work with you to schedule these as requested. We also offer customized training outside of these topics, including onsite training. Simply reach out to your Client Solutions Manager to discuss your needs further.

Product News

Have you heard of Aha!?

For those who have already signed up, here’s the link: and for those who can’t wait to sign up, please e-mail to get registered to submit your ideas!


Transmit Day
The March transmit day for first of the month billing is February 20th. Follow this link for the complete 2025 schedule

MACC’s Monthly Recipes

Maintenance Sunday – February 9th
From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Central) on Sunday, February 9th, our technicians will conduct maintenance on our network. During this time, web-based services from MACC may be unavailable. This affects MSaaS and all MACC websites (Web Reporting, TMS, FTP, etc.) as well as online access to customer statements. Going forward, MACC will be scheduling network maintenance during the same timeframe on the second Sunday of each month.

MACC is involved in the industry
Click to see
a list of events we’ll be attending.

Printable version of MACC’s eMessage
Click to download 
a printable version of this newsletter.

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