Help the environment and your bottom line…no tree hugging required
Sure…getting more of your customers to make the switch to paperless billing will help the environment. Who doesn’t like trees? Boosting the adoption rate of paperless billing also has some direct benefits for your neck of the woods. It can make your job easier with less time spent posting payments and improve the bottom line through reduced postage costs.
Getting customers to take the paperless plunge can be a challenge, but MACC has ideas to help.
Just ask…with help from Suggestive Marketing
It sounds simple, but making sure to ask about paperless billing during customer interactions is an easy way to boost your adoption rate. It’s especially important when you’re bringing new customers onboard. Using our Suggestive Marketing feature, Customer Master can remind you to ask about paperless billing. This tool provides on-screen prompts to use while visiting with customers. Suggestive Marketing is a standard part of Customer Master and your Software Support Representative can provide guidance on its use.
Get your website in on the action
Paperless billing and your website go hand in hand. If your website has a form for new customers to request services, give them the opportunity to choose to receive their bills via e-mail. Here is an example of this idea in action. Based on real world results, we’ve found an average of 60 percent of new customers will go for the paperless option. Imagine the cost savings if you could reduce your postage expense by 60%. You can also create a separate page to encourage the paperless option. If your company uses our Web Self-Care service, you can add an advertising slide with a direct link to a paperless billing page. Contact MACC’s Creative Services Team for help implementing any of these ideas.
Offer targeted incentives
Offering a small incentive, such as a $5 one-time bill credit, can be all it takes to get many consumers to use paperless billing. You can use bill inserts, messages, on-bill ads, newsletter articles, social media, and your website to promote your incentive. For statement-based advertising, like ads or messages, Customer Master gives you the ability to target only accounts still receiving paper bills. Contact your Software Support Representative for assistance in using this feature.
We are here to help
For any overall questions regarding the paperless billing options MACC offers, be sure to contact your Client Relations Manager or Account Manager. He or she can answer your questions and show you helpful reports to illustrate the potential cost savings of increasing your company’s use of paperless billing. Together, we can all play a small role in helping the planet while saving money at the same time.

Ready to boost your paperless adoption rate?
Complete the form below and your MACC Client Relations Manager or Account Manager will contact you to discuss ideas on boosting the number of your customers using paperless bills.