MACC's January 2022 eMessage
The latest news from your friends at MACCSoftware Update
Start 2022 strong with Customer Master’s Advanced Scheduler
Scheduling appointments for Service Orders, Trouble Tickets, Sales Lead Tickets, and Locates just got much easier in Customer Master with the launch of the Advanced Scheduler in version 21.2. If you are looking to improve the efficiency of your scheduling process, the Advanced Scheduler in Customer Master (and MACC Mobile) is the answer with its recent makeover.
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Technical Information
Prepare for the unexpected by participating in your MARS test
For companies subscribed to MACC’s Application Recovery Service (MARS), now is the time to schedule your test of the service for 2022. Schedule your test using this web page. Participating in your MARS test is a great way to be ready for anything “unexpected” the new year brings.
If you’re not subscribed to MARS, now is also a good time to consider the service as it ensures you always maintain access to your MACC applications and the critical data they contain.
Read the article Schedule your testProduct Spotlight
Look in Customer Master’s grid reports for Census by Date information
MACC has recently released changes to production versions of Customer Master 21.1 and 21.2 to include a new grid report called “Address-Census By Date.” The report is available in the Reports Suite | Grid Reports and can be used to see when Census data was changed on an address. Census 2010 data will need to be accessible once addresses are updated to Census 2020 data for certain regulatory funding reports. This grid report will display tract and block data for an address by change by/change date resulting in access to historical census data.
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Billing News
Reduce the stress of dealing with delinquent accounts with help from MACC
Looking to cut down on expenses and work effort (who isn’t)? Then a great place to start is having MACC help with your delinquent notices. MACC can print and mail paper notices to delinquent accounts and we can also configure Customer Master to send out e-mail messages through our AutoPilot service.
Read the articleWhat’s New on MACC’s website?
Our Training Team added Customer Master Jump Start dates
MACC’s Training Team offers remote Customer Master Jump Start classes and we’ve added dates in February, March, and April. This class gives new employees or anyone who needs to learn the basics of Customer Master the opportunity to take a course from the comfort of your office. For details and to register, click the link below.

Transmit Day
February’s transmit day for first of the month billing is January 24th. Follow this link for the complete 2022 Billing Transmit Schedule
Download MACC’s January Calendar
You’ll find our recipe of the month (Rice Krispie Treats), Tips and Tricks, and TRIVIA! Click to download the January Calendar
MACC is involved in the industry
Click to see a list of events we’ll be attending.
Printable version of MACC’s eMessage
Click to download a printable version of this newsletter.
Maintenance Sunday – January 9th
From 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Central) on Sunday, January 9th, our technicians will conduct maintenance on our network. During this time, web-based services from MACC may be unavailable. This affects MSaaS and all MACC websites (Web Reporting, TMS, FTP, etc.) as well as online access to customer statements. Going forward, MACC will be scheduling network maintenance during the same timeframe on the second Sunday of each month.