MACC's June 2022 eMessage
The latest news from your friends at MACCClient Relations News
Even with camouflage, we still want to see you! MBTC registration is open!
Session One is September 7th – 9th and Session Two is September 12th – 14th
MBTC 2022 is almost here, and we are so excited to get to see you again after all this time! Registration is open, so please go to to register and see all the details for MBTC 2022!
Read the article Register for MBTC

Jill Arthur

Pam Wulf
Client Relations News
Changes on the MACC Team
We’re saying “Happy Retirement!” to a long-time co-worker and friend, Jill Arthur. Jill spent 19 years at MACC, first as a Training / Conversion Analyst coming to your offices to teach you all about Accounting Master, and then as a Client Relations Manager handling most companies west of the Missouri River. Jill’s vast knowledge of the industry, our products, and your business needs will be missed on a daily basis – but the good news is Pam Wulf is stepping into Jill’s shoes and taking the lead role as the Client Solutions Manager!
Read the articleProduct Spotlight
MACC is enhancing Customer Master to meet BDC requirements
Ensuring your company can meet all regulatory requirements is one of MACC’s highest priorities. With this goal in mind, we are currently working on enhancements in Customer Master to enable your company to provide the needed data for the Broadband Data Collection (BDC) filing.
Read the article

Success Story
Direct Communications perfects paperless billing with a 70% take rate
The MACC Team loves to pass on examples of companies using our products and services to reduce costs, boost profits, and make the work day easier. One outstanding example is Direct Communications’ paperless billing adoption rate. The Rockland, Idaho-based company has a paperless billing take rate of more than 70 percent!
How did Direct Communications get so many accounts to convert to paperless billing? To find out, we asked the company’s Network Design Manager, Marjorie Clifford, what tactics were used, the benefits it’s seen, and what she would tell other telecoms looking to boost their use of paperless billing.
Software Update
TMS PTO Requests and Customer Master’s Scheduler
Are you wanting to keep your employees’ vacation requests in sync with the Customer Master Scheduler? With just a few simple settings, MACC can help!
If you are utilizing Paid Time Off Requests in TMS (Time Management System), your employees can easily and efficiently request time off. When they do so, a notification is sent to that employee’s manager for time off approval. When that occurs, a PTO appointment can be passed into Customer Master. On the Customer Master Advanced Scheduler, the employee’s time will be blocked out.
Read the article

Technical Information
Using Google’s free email with MACC products?
We are reaching out to our customers to make sure you are aware of Google’s decision to no longer support signing in to third-party apps with a Google Account. This appears to only apply to users of Google’s free service at this time and Google plans to announce removing it for paid users at a later date. They previously announced this function will no longer work as of May 30, 2022.
Read the articleCABS News
Please don’t forget…tariff updates are needed
MACC is gearing up for the tariff changes for Special Access for July and Switch Access for August.
Please remember…we will need your new tariff updates sent to the CABS group at MACCCABSSPECIALSERVICES@MACCNET.COM as soon as you receive them in June. If your consultant receives them on your behalf, please pass this reminder on to them. Thank you!

Transmit Day
July’s transmit day for first of the month billing is June 23rd. Follow this link for the complete 2022 Billing Transmit Schedule
Download MACC’s June Calendar
You’ll find our recipe of the month (Grilled Shrimp Skewers), an Accounting Master Tip, and TRIVIA! Click to download the June Calendar
May’s Trivia Winner
Congratulations to Natalie Haefner at Palo Communications in Iowa. She is the lucky winner of last month’s trivia contest.
MACC is involved in the industry
Click to see a list of events we’ll be attending.
Printable version of MACC’s eMessage
Click to download a printable version of this newsletter.
Maintenance Sunday – June 12th
From 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Central) on Sunday, June 12th, our technicians will conduct maintenance on our network. During this time, web-based services from MACC may be unavailable. This affects MSaaS and all MACC websites (Web Reporting, TMS, FTP, etc.) as well as online access to customer statements. Going forward, MACC will be scheduling network maintenance during the same timeframe on the second Sunday of each month.