MACC's June 2024 eMessage

The latest news from your friends at MACC


“We’ve always done it this way”

“It will take too long to get used to a new process”

“I don’t have time to learn something new”

“This is how it was set up and I don’t want to change now”

By: Joelle Kesling | Sr. Director, Sales & Marketing

Have you heard or said these things when it comes to daily work activities?  Reluctantly admitting I certainly have.

Bringing these things up today to remind you, because I myself need reminding, the way we’ve always done things sometimes just isn’t the best way.  If you’ve been a MACC customer for several years, perhaps the way the database was set up when you converted isn’t the most efficient for your business practices of today.  Trying to carve out time to learn something new is HARD!!  Just the other day, my boss told me I need to spend 10 hours a week on some things and I instantly panicked, wondering where I was going to come up with that time.

HOWEVER, I’ve spent this week looking at what I am doing and how I am doing it, and have realized I’m spending time doing double work with a few things.  Time that could easily be spent doing something more productive – like, creating marketing materials so you know about all our new and cool products and services … or … giving you a call to see how things are going with your businesses … or … you get the idea.

So now I’m going to do a shameless plug for 2024 MBTC, because we are going to show you some really cool ways to do things differently.  We’ll show you some time-saving tips.  You’ll hear about some new ways to communicate with YOUR customers, which will reduce calls – in turn allowing you to focus on other things on your “To Do” list.

The registration button is below.  We’d love to see you in Omaha July 9 – 11.  For those of you who want to attend but can’t, we’re going to have a surprise next week to give you another option.

See you all very soon!

If you have any questions about the MBTC, you can reach out to Joelle Kesling at or Kaitlyn Zepnick at

Software Support News

New Phone System

By: Kelly McIntosh | Senior Director, Support Services

We wanted to remind you of Software Support’s contact information as we recently transitioned to a new phone system.

During the migration, Customer Master Support combined their phone lines into one for easier access.

Accounting Master Software Support

Customer Master Software Support

Technical Support

 If you need assistance from the operator, you can dial 800-622-2502 and press 0.

CABS my 2024
CABS my 2024

Cabs News

Don’t forget…new CABS services can make life easier

By: Amy Mommsen | Billing Services Support Manager, Client Support

Big news from the CABS Team! We have one new service and another service with a more efficient process. Both the new and updated services can make your job easier! The new service is Carrier Invoice Resolution and the service with an updated process is the completion of the NECA CAF ICC Report.

The Carrier Invoice Resolution service will help clients who enroll maximize access revenue through monthly check-ins for outstanding balances or disputes.

Read the Article

Product News

Have you heard of Aha!?

For those who have already signed up, here’s the link: and for those who can’t wait to sign up, please e-mail to get registered to submit your ideas!


Transmit Day
July’s transmit day for first of the month billing is June 21st. Follow this link for the complete 2024 schedule

MACC’s Monthly Recipes

Maintenance Sunday – June 9th
From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Central) on Sunday, June 9th, our technicians will conduct maintenance on our network. During this time, web-based services from MACC may be unavailable. This affects MSaaS and all MACC websites (Web Reporting, TMS, FTP, etc.) as well as online access to customer statements. Going forward, MACC will be scheduling network maintenance during the same timeframe on the second Sunday of each month.

MACC is involved in the industry
Click to see
a list of events we’ll be attending.

Printable version of MACC’s eMessage
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a printable version of this newsletter.

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