Current eMessage > Billing News > November 2018
Billing News
Big news about a big printer
MACC’s printing capabilities are getting bigger…and brighter. In August, the installation of a new “big” printer was completed and it’s now in use as we produce your monthly statements. This new printer increases the speed in which we can complete billing, provides greater reliability and paves the way for color printing.
The new printer is a German-built Oce’ ColorStream 3900 and the second Oce’ printer MACC has purchased in as many years. This device truly is “big” as it’s 50 feet long, 15 feet wide and took four semi-trucks to deliver. At six feet, it’s taller than most MACC associates. The printer also has quite an appetite for paper. It can print 2,000 letter-sized pages per minute, which is approximately the size of a small tree. The 600 dpi print quality available with this printer is also improved from previous devices MACC has used. All of this adds up to even better looking bills.
Watch the videos
Please take a few minutes to watch the videos below. In the first video, you can see over two weeks of work in under a minute as we have time-lapse footage of the entire installation process. MACC had to remove the old printer, install reinforcements under the flooring for the new printer, and finally get the new printer set up and in production. The second video shows the printer at work. Maybe those are your company’s bills on the machine!
This new printer is just one example of how MACC is investing for the future to continue to deliver the products and services your company needs for continued success.
See the printer being installed…two weeks of work in under a minute
Here is the printer in action
January 2018
Postage rate change
November 2017
2018 transmit billing schedule
January 2017
Postage rate change