Current eMessageCABS > January 2019


Woody WelkeWoody Welke is retiring this month

by Bob Boettcher, CABS Manager

Woody Welke, CABS Senior Access Analyst, will be spending his last day supporting you on January 17, 2019. After several decades of tariffs, rate changes, transport issues, and numerous customer data requests, Woody is anxiously waiting to take over his grandparent duties full time.

The CABS Team and MACC extend our sincerest gratitude to Woody for his knowledge, experience, and friendship. Woody recently stated the cross-training of what he learned through his CABS experiences truly brought to light the importance of his career with MACC and his associations with you, our clients. He will be missed, but not forgotten. Thank you Woody and enjoy your retirement. You have earned it!

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