Current eMessage > CABS > September 2021


Say hello to the CABS WEB Payment process

by Amy Mommsen, Billing Services Support Manager

MACC CABS would like to reintroduce our WEB Payment process to our companies. We have many companies taking advantage of this WEB Portal to use as a quick look up tool to view if the Regular CABS Carriers are paying in a timely manner, along with submitting their Balance Dues for each carrier to be displayed on their upcoming invoice. The portal displays a breakdown by month of what was billed to each of the Carriers and the amount the Carriers have paid. This portal also provides a printable report of outstanding invoices.

Below is a sample of an Aged Trial Balance Report.

Aged trial balance

In order to find the breakdown of the outstanding balances, you would go to the Payment Module and select the Carrier you wish to see the breakdown on. We will select 0222 MCI:

CABS Report

As you can see there have been no payments submitted since 2/1/21 billing. It is time to reach out to the carrier to determine why payment has not been submitted. Keep in mind if you have past dues exceeding the 24-month window, you will not be able to collect on dollars beyond this timeframe. You can look at each carrier to determine how far back the past dues are delinquent, and MACC CABS is here to assist you in collecting these outstanding balances.

If you are a company not yet taking advantage of the WEB Payment Portal, you may want to reconsider the advantages of having all CABS Regular Carriers with multiple lookups and details available. Or, if you are a company with access to the WEB Payment Portal, and you are not currently utilizing it and would like to, please contact Angela at the following email address: MACCCABSVERIFICATION@MACCNET.COM.

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Article Archive

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January 2019
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November 2018
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December 2015
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