Current eMessage > President’s Message > May 2019

President’s Message

It was good to hear from you

by Craig Aman, President and CEO
Craig Aman, MACC President and CEO

Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate it!

As I read through the 2019 Client Satisfaction Survey results, I found myself sitting on the edge of my seat. Not because I thought I would see anything negative, but because what all of you think about MACC is truly that important to me.

MACC appreciates the partnership we have with each and every one of you, and I personally am glad you appreciate our partnership enough to be honest as you answer the questions on our annual Client Satisfaction Survey. MACC, like your company, continuously strives to get better. We can’t improve without honest input from you, our partners. So when I read the survey responses and comments, I am glad we have the kind of business relationship that enables you to tell us what you like and what you think we could improve upon.

Our 2019 Client Satisfaction Survey results showed me on a 5-point scale, MACC is averaging a 4.65 satisfaction rate for our customer service. Your overall satisfaction with MACC’s products is a 4.48 on a 5-point scale. These are outstanding scores, and I appreciate you taking the time to respond to the survey, so we can measure how we are doing for you.

Many of you had comments, requests, enhancement ideas, and overall suggestions. We take these seriously and are currently reviewing them with the appropriate department. If you haven’t heard from us already, you will be shortly!

Again, my sincerest thank you for the time you took to help us get better. As always, you may contact me at or 402-426-6222.

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