Current eMessageSoftware > February 2017

Software Update

Tips for implementing the new ‘My Time’ feature in Customer Master

By Julie Riecken, Training Support Manager

For those of you who attended the What’s New in Customer Master 16.2 session at MBTC, you may remember that we discussed a new feature called My Time. There are many aspects to this tool. In order to use this fully, you’ll need to contact your Software Support Representative to have the feature enabled.

The first step in setting up the process is to determine what rounding method is to be used.  Do you round labor to the nearest 5 minutes, 10 minutes, quarter hour, or half hour. This will help the system calculate time based on a start and stop time.

You may then identify which payroll companies are associated with which employees. You can also grant rights to employees to enter time for specific departments, work groups and employees.

Once you have those settings in place, you are ready to proceed with adding time. Use the My Time button to enter the screen. A grid will display time that’s already been entered. If you are in service order or trouble, clicking on My Time to enter time will bring in the corresponding SO or TT number, in addition to some other fields. You also have plenty of room to add comments regarding the time that’s being entered. If you are utilizing work order job costing, you can add the work order number.

After time is entered, you may export the time to Accounting Master as a payroll row. Once in Accounting Master, time will need to be approved before payroll is processed.

If you are interested in learning more about the new ‘My Time’ feature, please sign up for web training.

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Software Update Archive

January 2017
Get a great start to 2017!

December 2016
Year-end AM reminders

October 2016
2016 tax form processing options

September 2016
Customizing Customer Master

June 2016
477 Reporting – how to be prepared

January 2016
Get 2016 off to a great start

December 2015
Accounting Master year-end notes