Current eMessageProduct > July 2017

Product Spotlight

HUBB Reporting

By Lori Bayne, Customer Master Product Owner

The High Cost Universal Broadband (HUBB) reporting requirement has been a topic of discussion for many months now. The HUBB report allows carriers participating in the modernized Connect America programs to show where they are building out high-speed internet service by location. USAC developed a HUBB portal, to which carriers can upload data files and validate the records.

As part of our Customer Master 17.1 release, the data elements needed for the HUBB reporting requirement and the file creation process were developed. To assist companies further in CM 17.1.2, the SAC data field has been added to the network address maintenance table. This will allow users to assign a SAC to any service address in the database. When the HUBB report is created, if the SAC is populated on the network address, it is used. If the SAC field is blank on the network address, the program will use the SAC assigned to the report area of that service address.

To assist companies with populating the SAC on the network address, the SAC data field has been added to the Address Mass Edit tool. This will allow users to populate the SAC on the selected addresses in groups, instead of manually populating it on each service address.

We hope these enhancements assist you with your address data cleanup and HUBB reporting needs. If you have further questions about HUBB reporting, or the data fields used store your deployment information, please contact your Customer Master Software Support Representative.


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