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Technical Information

Check out these tips for working at home

by MACC’s Technical Support Team

With the current events causing more employees to work from home, we wanted to take a minute to share some helpful tips to keep your environment secure.

Email Security
Hackers have been targeting the work-from-home workforce in an attempt to catch them off guard. Be on the lookout for phishing emails that ask for your credentials or offer an easier way to work from home. If something seems unusual, be sure to verify with the sender before taking any action.

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the best way to securely connect from home. This ensures a secure connection is created between your home computer and your office. Most newer firewalls have the ability to support VPN connectivity. This should always be the first choice for a remote connection.

Remote Connection Software
There are many options available that allow for remote screen sharing. These generally require you to install a piece of software onto your office computer so you can access it remotely. This is a quick and easy way to gain access to your office computer from your home. But, as with any remote connection software, there is an element of risk. If you choose to go this route, be sure to use a reputable software company and remember they should never ask you to let them remote onto your computer. Many companies offer free versions you can use, but be sure you understand the data and privacy terms before installing.

Last but not least, remember to always use a secure password. This should be different from any other passwords and should be changed regularly. Never share your password with others. If a password has been shared, it should be treated as temporary and changed as soon as is feasible.

We hope you have found these tips helpful! If you have any questions or need assistance, we’re here to help! Your MACC Technical Support Team is available at 402-533-5300 or via email at


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