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Employees on vacation? How to check-in from remote locations

by MACC’s Technical Support Team

Everyone needs some time off from work now and then, and everyone could use a vacation. But what if something comes up at work that demands your attention? Well, it’s easy to do some standard work, when you have the right tools and security.

One of the easiest ways to catch up on the go, and help out your team, is to have email set up on a mobile device. This allows you to keep up on the goings-on at the office, without a lot of outside set up or confusing applications. Most email providers will have a secure way to allow you to do this, whether it is a secure email client or another security application.

But what if you need that file on your computer at work and you’re away on a beautiful vacation with the family? This is where a VPN and remote connections come in handy. With the correct setup, you can access your shared drives from anywhere with an internet connection. To stay safe when on public Wi-Fi at the coffee shop, or wherever you are connecting, a VPN is your best bet. A VPN will encrypt your connection and helps keep your data safe.

Sometimes a VPN is enough to get to your work files, but occasionally you will need to remotely connect to the computer itself. There are dozens of different programs to do this, but the tried and true is RDP, which is built into Windows. With the right setup, knocking out some work on the go is simple and convenient!

Most of today’s modern firewalls already have VPN technology built in. If you are looking for a safe way to connect to your office, chances are you already have the pieces in place to make it happen. If you need assistance getting connected remotely, we’re here to help! Your MACC Technical Support Team can be reached at 402-533-5300 or via email at

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