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Technical Information

The bad guys are out there! Be ready for them with a good backup system

by MACC’s Technical Support Team

Have you ever seen an exciting Hollywood blockbuster where the cloaked bad guy smashes his keyboard in front of a command center of monitors and cans of empty Red Bull? In these movies, the “hackers” are always quick to get in, take what they want, and get out. And they are always rewarded with a flashing screen that says “ACCESS GRANTED!” While real life hacking isn’t nearly this easy or glorious, these are real threats to cyber security nonetheless.

One of the many ways to protect yourself from cloaked antagonists wearing Guy Fawkes masks is to have a good backup system and here is some of what MACC has to offer!

MACC’s BackUp Solution (MBUS)
Good backups are crucial to the viability of any modern business. In today’s connected age, it has become more important than ever. Backups not only help you recover from natural disasters or hardware failures, they also add a layer of defense against data loss in the realm of cyber security.

Having quality and reliable backups is not just a good idea, it is a necessity! Fortunately, MACC makes it easy to prepare for potential data loss through MACC’s BackUp Solution (MBUS).

With MBUS, all of the documents and data on your company’s Windows server can be regularly backed up and stored in a secure location. There are no restrictions on the types or number of files you can back up. MBUS uses advanced technology to create offsite backups that are both granular and air gapped. The granular backups can be restored down to a single individual file or restored as a complete server. The air gapped backups ensure data availability from a previous point in time, regardless of how the data has changed recently. These features are not only beneficial for disaster recovery, they are also convenient for day to day operations and make simple restores a hassle-free experience. If you lose your data for any reason, MACC can quickly restore it using only an internet connection.

MACC’s Application Recovery Service (MARS)
Your company needs to prepare for business interruptions and MARS is designed to be an integral part of your company’s plans. The service backs up your company’s Customer Master and Accounting Master databases to MACC’s servers. Besides storing your critical data offsite, in the wake of a disaster, MARS also allows you to quickly begin using your MACC products through our MSaaS cloud solution.

When your company enrolls in MARS, we will configure your databases to automatically backup to MACC each night. Backups are transferred over a secured internet connection and monitored daily by MACC’s Technical Support Team (that’s us!) If disaster strikes and your company declares an emergency, MACC will activate your Customer Master and Accounting Master databases within our hosted MSaaS environment and work with your staff to get you connected. You will be able to access your data from a Windows computer with an internet connection. MACC is committed to having your data available to you within 24 hours or less.

Once the emergency passes, we will restore the database back to your working environment at no additional cost. You also have the option to remain on our hosted solution and subscribe to our MSaaS service.

If you have any questions, or if there is anything we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to contact your MACC Tech Support Team and we will be happy to help! We can be reached at 402-533-5300, or via email, at


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