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Technical Information

Boost your defense against cyber attacks with training from MACC

by Greg Simpson, Technology Services Manager

Looking for a cybersecurity training program for your team, but you are not sure where to begin? Your search could be over! MACC recently launched cybersecurity training programs for clients to promote increased diligence against online threats.

We have companies which have already taken cybersecurity training, and they are reporting good results. Adam Rislov, General Manager at Nunn Telephone Company, said a focus on e-mail safety was the key point his team took from the training. He reported the company received “brownie points” when he went to renew insurance for taking the training.

Another client, Steve Trimble, General Manager at Palmer Mutual Telephone Company, said, “It brought to light things you need to be aware of and reminds you to be extra careful.”

We offer two levels of training to educate our clients’ teams on how they can protect themselves and your company from evolving cybersecurity threats.

Basic Training Program
Basic cybersecurity training is available at no added cost to MACC’s Technical Support Program (TSP) subscribers. The basic program includes helpful training videos followed by an assessment taken by each employee. Employees will earn a certificate for successfully passing the test. The training content is refreshed annually and can be taken as often as you’d like. If your company is currently a TSP subscriber, and it is not taking advantage of this cybersecurity training, we encourage you to start now! If you’re already utilizing our cybersecurity training, be sure to check out the new content for 2022!

Full Training Program
In addition to the basic annual training, we are also offering a full, ongoing training program to keep cybersecurity at the top of your team’s minds throughout the year. Building on the annual training, employees receive weekly micro training with helpful tips and guidance to improve their cyber awareness. This training has proven to be beneficial to both the individual user and the company as a whole.

The full training program also includes ongoing phishing e-mail tests to help employees get real world phishing experience without the risk of a compromise. Each employee is assigned a security score based on how well they are doing with the training/phishing and has access to an anonymized leader board to show how they are doing compared to their peers. You will also have access to reporting options to measure your team’s progress and verify your company is actively involved in a cybersecurity training program.

To get started on either training program, and to learn about the other benefits of the TSP, please reach out to the MACC Tech Support Team at 402-533-5300 or via email at We look forward to helping you make your company more secure in 2022.

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