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Client Relations News

Don’t miss out on Pop-up Training!

It’s getting closer, and we’re not just talking about Christmas. The next session of MACC’s popular Pop-up Training is only two weeks away with the first of three days of classes starting on Tuesday, November 16th. With 14 different classes covering Accounting Master, Customer Master, cybersecurity, and more, every member of your team can benefit from this training from the comfort of your office. At only $99 per person, it’s a tremendous value and a great investment. Don’t just take our word for it though.

After this summer’s Pop-up Training, we asked your peers about the most useful new skills they learned and how they will use them in their office. Below is a sampling of the responses.

“The Auto Disconnect Wizard. I had not utilized it before and once I get the hang of it, I think it will become my new monthly time-saving routine.”

“FCC reporting. This class was so helpful. I will use so many of the skills I learned in this class.”

“The option in Customer Master that allows Sales Lead notes to flow into the Service Order. This was huge for us!”

“Web Reporting was key…can’t wait to start using it in-house!”

“In Payroll, the TMS Wage Posting Date for sending the ACH Email notifications to employees. We’ve implemented this. Great addition!”

To see what you and your team could learn this month, visit Pop-up Training’s course list and descriptions.

Take the classes and view recordings later
After the summer Pop-up Training, a very common request was to have the sessions recorded for review after the courses were over. To meet this need, each of the courses from this month’s session will be recorded and made available on MACC’s Client Central. Please note…to access these recordings, you must register for Pop-up Training.

Register today
Pop-up Training registration is quick and easy. Visit the event’s page and sign-up. As the training dates get closer, we’ll provide links to the classes and hand-outs to help you prepare. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to Julie Riecken, Training Support Manager, at “See you” on the 16th!

Article Archive

October 2021
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July 2021
Thanks for joining us at Pop-up Training

May 2021
MBTC Update

February 2021
Pick-up some fresh ideas with Pop-up Training

January 2021
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2020 Articles

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July 2020
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2019 Articles

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March 2019
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January 2019
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2018 Articles

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September 2018
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August 2018
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January 2018
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2017 Articles

October 2017
Thanks for attending MBTC

September 2017
Important MBTC information

August 2017
Important MBTC dates and highlights

July 2017
Time to register for the 2017 MBTC

June 2017
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March 2017
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February 2017
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January 2017
Save the date for the Midwest Road Shows

2016 Articles

October 2016
Thanks for teaming up with us

September 2016
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August 2016
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July 2016
Score big at the 2016 MBTC

June 2016
Huddle up for the MBTC

May 2016
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April 2016
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March 2016
MACC Mobile

January 2016
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