MACC's June 2023 eMessage
The latest news from your friends at MACCClient Solutions news
MBTC is right around the corner!
As we say about this time every year … MBTC is right around the corner! Hard to believe in just a few short months we’ll all be back together again!
There are numerous reasons why your team should attend MBTC, but I want to highlight a few that I think are most important. The planning that goes into the conference is a result of the analysis we do on the calls we receive from you, the new functionality we add to our products because of your requests, the new service offerings we have available, and items that can improve your efficiencies. By doing this, we can ensure we are bringing you the best information possible.
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Chris Booth
Client Solutions news
Changing of the (sales) guard
We have some exciting changes taking place in the Sales + Marketing department right now!
Many of you know Kathy Rea and Steve Appel, who have been MACC’s Sales Representatives for the last 25 years. Kathy retired as of May 12, and Steve is planning his retirement on June 30. We had some big shoes to fill, but we were able to pull from MACC’s existing talent pool to find the Sales Reps who will be stepping in to fill them.
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Ryan Thompson

Billing news
Postage rates going up again in July
The U.S. Postal Service is increasing its postage rates again next month. Together, the various price hikes represent a boost of 5.4 percent. It’s the fifth price hike since early 2019 and the second in 2023. The new rates will take effect beginning July 9.
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CABS news
Don’t forget…new CABS services can make life easier
Big news from the CABS Team! We have one new service and another service with a more efficient process. Both the new and updated services can make your job easier! The new service is Carrier Invoice Resolution and the service with an updated process is the completion of the NECA CAF ICC Report.
The Carrier Invoice Resolution service will help clients who enroll maximize access revenue through monthly check-ins for outstanding balances or disputes.
Read the ArticleTransmit Day
July’s transmit day for first of the month billing is June 23. Follow this link for the complete 2023 schedule.
Download MACC’s June Calendar
You’ll find our recipe of the month (Overnight Oatmeal with Berries), an Accounting Master Tip, and the TRIVIA Challenge (an opportunity to win MACC prizes). Download the June Calendar
May Trivia Winner
Congratulations to Lisa Hunter from Lakeland Communications in Wisconsin. She is the lucky winner of last month’s trivia contest.
Maintenance Sunday – June 11
From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Central) on Sunday, June 11, our technicians will conduct maintenance on our network. During this time, web-based services from MACC may be unavailable. This affects MSaaS and all MACC websites (Web Reporting, TMS, FTP, etc.) as well as online access to customer statements. Going forward, MACC will be scheduling network maintenance during the same timeframe on the second Sunday of each month.
MACC is involved in the industry
Click to see a list of events we’ll be attending.
Printable version of MACC’s eMessage
Click to download a printable version of this newsletter.
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