Current eMessageTrivia > June 2016

MACC Trivia Challenge

Congratulations to Dunkerton Telephone’s Kathy Wheeler who won this month’s Trivia Challenge Contest. Her name was drawn from a list of MACC clients who successfully answered the questions below. She won a gift bag of MACC items.

Our trivia challenge is a part of our MACC Updates which are sent out by MACC’s Client Relations Team when there is timely information for our clients. Check your inbox for more MACC Updates and more opportunities to play our Trivia Challenge.

Q1. What is the ‘official’ flower for Mother’s Day?
A1. Carnation (Source one and two)

Q2. Who wrote the first Mother’s Day proclamation?
A2. Julia Howe (Source one and two)

Q3. What year was Mother’s Day created in the United States?
A3. 1908 (Source one and two)

Q4. What year did Mother’s Day become an official holiday in the United States?
Q4. 1914 (Source one and two)

Bonus MACC Question:
Q5. The 2016 MACC Billing and Technology Conference (MBTC) will be held in which city?
A5. Omaha

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