Current eMessageTrivia > July 2016

MACC Trivia Challenge

Congratulations to PC Telcom’s Carol Krumm who won this month’s Trivia Challenge Contest. Her name was drawn from a list of MACC clients who successfully answered the questions below. She won a gift bag of MACC items.

Our trivia challenge is a part of our MACC Updates which are sent out by MACC’s Software Support Team when there is timely information for our clients. Check your inbox for more MACC Updates and more opportunities to play our Trivia Challenge.

Q1. What day do most summer blockbuster movies premier?
A1. July 4th (source)

Q2. Which action-packed movie was officially the first summer blockbuster?
A2. Jaws (source)

Q3. What year did Star Wars make the Princess Leia bun a popular summer hairstyle?
A3. 1977 (source)

Q4. Which of these candies was made popular by a summer blockbuster movie?
Q4. Reese’s Pieces (source)

Bonus Question:
Q5. The candy referenced in question four was used in what blockbuster movie?
A5. E.T. (source)

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