Current eMessagePresident’s Message > February 2016

February 2016 – President’s Message

We want to hear from you

by Craig Aman, President and CEO

Craig Aman, MACC President and CEO

Craig Aman

MACC appreciates the opportunity to be a partner in the successful operation of your business. As in any partnership, communication is very important. We strive to ensure questions are always answered, problems are promptly resolved and greatly appreciate new ideas for our products. While our ears are always open, now is a great time to tell us how we’re doing as we recently distributed our annual Client Satisfaction Survey.

The survey was sent last week in PDF format to the main contact at each MACC client. The survey is also online at Please take a few minutes to complete the survey yourself or work with others in your office to complete the questionnaire. All of your comments and suggestions are valuable so we look forward to hearing from you. If you need to give the survey some thought, that’s no problem as the deadline isn’t until the end of the month. Thanks for your consideration on the survey and I look forward to hearing from you.

Don’t miss our spring events
The Client Satisfaction Survey isn’t the only big news at MACC this month. Our Client Relations Team is working on two great events that may come to a town near you. First, in March we have the Midwest Road Shows in Kansas and Iowa.

  • March 22nd in Hays, Kansas
  • March 23rd in Topeka, Kansas
  • March 29th in Cedar Rapids, Iowa
  • March 30th in Des Moines, Iowa

Then we’re heading west for the MACC Users Group in Seattle. This event will take place on April 18th through the 21st. At all three events, you’ll learn about exciting new features in MACC’s products and see how to put them to use at your company. The new skills you’ll learn make these events a valuable use of your time. For more information, read the MACC Events article in this edition of the eMessage or visit each event’s website.

Here is to a great year!
To close, I hope 2016 is off to a great start for you and your company. Speaking for all of MACC, we look forward to serving you in the coming year and finding ways to take your company to even greater levels of success.

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